Who can use Evie?

Here's who we can think of, but surely creative people will surprise us.


A landing page for your open source projects. Present your solution, easily create docs.


A website for your own freebies. Share your artwork and let the world use it.


A great starting point for your web application. Focus on your idea and execution.

Natural styling without a learning curve

Evie brings you the pages you'll need and the structure to create your own, with almost nothing to learn. It is minimal and mostly styles plain elements. There are only a few classes you'll need to know but nothing to disrupt your preferred coding style.

Framework agnostic. Your front-end setup, your choice.

Evie has zero dependencies and uses vanilla JavaScript for a few functions with minimal footprint. You can use React, Vue, Angular, jQuery or whatever you prefer.

Ready for production or rapid prototyping

Landing, authentication and a few other pages to select from, despite the small size. Tested on production at unDraw with great loading times and unopinionated on how to structure your project. We really hope you'll find it awesome and useful!

Get started now

Grab the production version and begin your project instantly.

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